The Valve and Actuator Manufacturers Cluster of South Africa

The Valve and Actuator Manufacturers Cluster of South Africa (VAMCOSA) was formed in July 2011 and works within The dti’s designated cluster parameters. VAMCOSA’s focus is to bring local valve and actuator manufacturers together in order to create a common focus and goal for the respective industries. VAMCOSA provides an effective platform for its members to Lobby Government through designated channels of The dti and the SACEEC with regard to industry specific concerns.

Goals of vamcosa

One of the main goals of VAMCOSA is to grow the South African valve and actuator industry and encourage localisation, which will, in turn, improve job creation and skills development. VAMCOSA promotes the manufacture of products in South Africa with locally produced castings, forgings and materials, which will, in turn, create jobs through local procurement, increasing the value chain both upstream and downstream and promote growth and sustainability. The VAMCOSA platform provides the opportunity to promote interaction between the local valve and actuator manufacturers and State-owned companies (SOCs) and municipal-owned enterprises (MOEs). Through this effort, it becomes easier to define what the SOC’s and MOE’s require from local valve manufacturers, as well as to compare their requirements equally with the products offered by local and international manufacturers.

VAMCOSA in conjunction with the SACEEC will continually develop export marketing strategies which will provide the opportunity for the local valve and actuator manufacturers as a whole to present their products at appropriate international trade shows and encourage the development of relations with key export markets.

Using this platform VAMCOSA plans to promote transformation within the Valve and Actuator industry by jointly looking at enterprise development in valve-orientated businesses.

VAMCOSA aims to improve and maintain standards and specifications and create ones that are uniform throughout the SOCs and MOEs. VAMCOSA continually look for ways to improve our collective technology through research and development and work closely with the National Foundry Technology Network and the local foundry industry to this end.