The South African Mineral Processing Equipment Cluster

The South African Mineral Processing Equipment Cluster (SAMPEC) was officially launched in September 2014. The vision of the cluster is directed towards increasing opportunities for local supply to the South African mining sector thereby creating economies-of-scale thus positively influencing its members’ global competitiveness.

SAMPEC plays a critical role in the development of appropriate national policy and incentive levers and will assist members to identify opportunities for import replacement and local beneficiation both up and down the value chain. SAMPEC will also take on a proactive role in encouraging and strengthening the local procurement clause within the new mining charter.

SAMPEC aims to be representative of the full value chain of industry from EPCM’s through to equipment manufacturers, component manufacturers, service providers and logistics.

SAMPEC, is housed under the auspices of the South African Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC), which operates as a public/private not-for-profit company in partnership with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition.

Driven by industry, for the industry.

Facilitate and influence the development of government policies relating to the mining and minerals processing sector.

Facilitate project packaging and influence the development of Government sector support mechanisms.

Identify research and development requirements and facilitate interface between producers and research facilities.

Maintain presence in leveraging local content policies and assist members to maximise the resultant effects.

Provide a platform for addressing and responding to key issues affecting the sustainability and positive development of the sub-sector.