Membership Requirements

Members companies must be South African registered and tax-compliant entities. They must be actively involved in local manufacturing or are a division, branch or local subsidiary of an international organisation whose products or services are produced or assembled in South Africa, must be BBBEE compliant (or have a traceable compliancy plan)and they need to be exporter registered.

Annual Subscription Fees

Annual Subscription Fees are turnover based and correspond with the national governments financial year. If you would like to discuss our member subscriptions fees before submitting your application, please feel free to contact us for more information.

To Become a Member

Follow our membership application link and complete the application form. By completing and submitting the SACEEC Membership Application companies agree to the Membership Terms & Conditions and The South African Capital Equipment Export Council Competitiveness Guidelines and Code of Ethics.

The SACEEC founded in 2000, enjoys an international reputation as an impartial third party in the facilitation of business deals and is generally the first port of call for inward / outward missions and exhibitions in the capital equipment and machinery arena. The SACEEC is a non-profit public / private partnership between the SA Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the DTIC) and the South African Capital Equipment and Machinery Manufacturers and related services industries and is mandated to assist it’s members with export promotion and export market access.

How to become a member

The South African capital equipment sector is divided into five key segments:

Other Processing Industries include chemical processing, automobile and electronic manufacturing amongst others.

A demanding home market has created the perfect environment for South African manufacturers and service suppliers to be highly competitive and respected exporters world-wide, even during the present challenging economic and political conditions; and part of the export councils’ challenge is to assist local companies drive global competitiveness, lower the cost of doing business and improve the South African business environment through advocacy.

South African capital equipment exporters are highly qualified to provide simple, as well as comprehensive solutions to local, regional and international equipment and services, for green- and brown- field capital projects, for aftermarket supplies, for de-bottlenecking, for revamping and for optimisation.

To support this continuous competitiveness and innovation drive several sub-sector industry cluster operate within the ambit of the SACEEC.